Week 1 : May 8-12, 2023 5/8&9: Monday & Tuesday 5/10: Wednesday 5/11&12: Thursday & Friday
We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.
Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.
Week 1 - Denver
Class Description:
Phase 4 Spine and Shoulders: This Foundational Class starts the program by detailing techniques & Reflexes that work with the Spine, Neck, Shoulders and Pelvis.
Practitioner Training, part I: This class is the heart and soul of how we work with the concepts and Principles that govern Ortho-Bionomy. We teach you the art of “Maintaining your own energy while connecting to others.” This is an artful and useful skill in both life & the work.”
Phase 5: The art of Connection: This class is one of the most foundational classes that allows the student to listen and connect to anywhere in the body. It will bring a softened but clear line of listening to fascia, organs, and structure and strengthen the reflexive understanding of the body’s ability to respond to us.
Class Registration